Green Spaghetti Finger Leather Toadstool Sinularia

Green Spaghetti Finger Leather Toadstool Sinularia
Green Spaghetti Finger Leather Toadstool Sinularia
Green Spaghetti Finger Leather Toadstool Sinularia
Green Spaghetti Finger Leather Toadstool Sinularia
Green Spaghetti Finger Leather Toadstool Sinularia
Green Spaghetti Finger Leather Toadstool Sinularia

Corals Anonymous

$39.99 $49.99
Availability: 1 in stock

Green Spaghetti Finger Leather Toadstool 

Green Spaghetti Finger Leather Toadstool is a beautiful soft coral with easy requirements. This coral will thrive in moderate currents and moderate to high lighting making it ideal for most home aquariums. Enjoy the captivating colors and texture this coral brings to your tank.


*Medium and Large Corals may be Combinations of smaller sized polyps or colonies.

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