Daisy Polyp Cloves

Daisy Polyp Cloves
Daisy Polyp Cloves 2
Daisy Polyp Cloves 3
Daisy Polyp Cloves 4
Daisy Polyp Cloves 5
Daisy Polyp Cloves
Daisy Polyp Cloves 2
Daisy Polyp Cloves 3
Daisy Polyp Cloves 4
Daisy Polyp Cloves 5

Corals Anonymous

$19.99 $29.99
Availability: 2 in stock

Daisy Polyp Cloves are the perfect beginner coral, featuring hardy purple polyps with green mouths. Requiring medium to high level lighting and water flow, Daisy Polyp Cloves are a beautiful and easy-to-care-for addition to any reef aquarium.

Please keep in mind that due to variances in species, your item may not appear exactly like the one pictured. Individual specimens' approximate size ranges may also differ.

Daisy Polyp Cloves 

*Large Colonies have significantly more polyps than 1.5-2” frags

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